
Develop Interactive Narratives

The interactive experience simply ups the engagement factor. It also allows the Frame Concepts information designer more discretion with the visual real estate. Because of the interactive layers, the designer can decide to zoom in on aspect of the solution or hide the callout captions and labels to keep the visual clean with lots of white space to make the visual pop.

And of course, instead of relying on the viewer eye to follow the narrative without static layout techniques, the designer can allow the viewer to click through a narrative with panning, click-through and zooming features.

Highlight Key Value Points

The narrative can follow a step process or highlight key value points or allow the viewer to click the areas that interest their professional interest the most. And any denser materials can be conveniently accesses with clever hyperlink layout without busying up the visual.

Business Purpose

Increase Conversion

Unlike our infographic content programs which drive awareness and traffic flow typically based on time-dependent data, the interactive solution pictograms like the static pictograms are created to drive conversion specifically about your offering and our clients typically want to drive the following business goals:

  • Conversion – enable your audience to quickly come to terms with your offering and fill out your contact form, call the toll-free number, try the free demonstration, whatever your call-to-action may be.
  • Complex Content Simplification – Enable your audience to both understand and engage with your complex by leveraging analogy and intuitive visuals.
  • Address Your Audiences Concerns – the pictograms can literally place your prospect types and stake holders in situation visually showing them the differentiated value they will receive.
  • Decrease the Abandonment and Indifference Factor – While our clients have done their homework and invested in a solution that may be proven to be the “best” solution, the reality is that your desired audience can place you in the wrong conceptual bucket or even worse, simply be indifferent. The Frame pictogram visually shakes them into engagement.
  • Adds Substance to your offering and point of view – The very fact that you have taken the time to develop a visual story to drive that ah-hah moment in a very sophisticated visual presentation suggests the importance of the topic and your attention-challenged audience appreciates that you value their time.


Click on titles to expand section

A leading job board distribution platform was launching its new Social and Mobile Networking Platform – Mix – and wanted to show conceptually that this new solution allowed its clients. However the client wanted to ensure its clients that its traditional job board distribution platform was still its core offering and that the new Mix solution ran its analytics through same reporting tool so each channel’s performance can be measured. To up the engagement factor even further.

social recruiting platform animation

Frame Concepts had developed a series of visual solutions including an animation and interactive pictograms for one of their core offerings – TruView – and off of these visuals solutions wanted to showcase some of the industry-specific value they had been delivering in the form of a case study with a provocative large visual to grab the eye. In the following sample, the shipping industry was a focus and with the explanatory visual guiding the way, Visual Networks made the case that their networking troubleshooting solution was able to perform root cause problem sourcing regardless of the shipping network issue.

trading communication interactive

CTBIM wanted to reinforce that traditionally all the stakeholders in a large new construction project did not have transparency into the actual build, retrofits from blueprint and spare parts supply issues. They contract Frame Concepts to interactively show the difference with the field software solution installed on tablets and laptops in field and traditional model with paper only. They decided to leverage the interactive storyboard by showcasing the original pain and new value from the perspective of each stakeholder – Architects, Contractors, Field Crew and Building Managers – and Frame Concepts highlighted this by placing them in the bottom clickable row below the visual.


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